Parent Information

Please make sure you fill out and return all of the forms your child brought home the first day of school.

Just a safety reminder:  ALL sandals must have a strap that goes around the back of the foot...NO FLIP FLOPS allowed.

IF you need access to our Harmony Program, please contact the office.

Please click on this link to view our State Report card:

Please click this link to view information about our E-Learning Day ProcessELearningDayNotification.pdf

Flu Shot Information: Click this link for the Registration and consent form/UserFiles/Servers/Server_85652/File/K12 Schools Flu Shot Registration & Consent Form.pdf 

Click this link for the WRV Flu Season flyer:  /UserFiles/Servers/Server_85652/File/2020 Flu Season - WRV 12 Flyer.pdf

2022-2023 WRV School Improvement Plan/UserFiles/Servers/Server_85652/File/2022-2023 School Improvement Plan.pdf

Return to school plan 2022-2023/UserFiles/Servers/Server_85652/File/Elementary Handbook edits for 2022-23 (1).pdf

Dyslexia Reading Plan 2023-2024
/UserFiles/Servers/Server_85652/File/2023-24 Reading Plan for White River Valley Elementary.pdf